Mar 2, 2009

Surfer Dude

This has to be one the dumbest movies i can remember seeing in a while. Surfer Dude was a Matthew McConaughey movie that went straight to DVD. My roommates and i rented it thinking it would be a funny comdey to watch, which it was at first. BUt then as the movie goes on, it was almost impossible to tell if McConaughey was trying to be funny and just acting, or if he really thought he was the "surfer dude."
The plot of the movie is Matthew McConaughey surfs around the world surfing the worlds best waves. When he comes home to Malibu, there are no waves, and therefore, he has no purpose to live. This bussiness man wants him to help with a surfing reality game and TV show, but all McConaguhey wants to do is surf.
In reality, McConaughey likes to think of himself as a surfer, despiste the fact that he is a texan at heart. He always trys to act like an old soul, and this movie was just overboard.
I know some might argue that the whole point of the movie was to make us laugh, but i felt bad laughing. All in all, it was hard and annoying to watch.
0 out 5


  1. I have another movie for you. It's called King of California. Its written and produced by Mike Cahill, he worked on Space ghost Coast to Coast and Aqua teen hunger force.
    Also, if you've never seen the Darjeeling limited, i'd say it's worth your time.

  2. After reading your reviews i am finding myself lucky that I didn't watched this friend also told me that its a comedy movie.So its better that I drop my point of watching it.
