Jun 29, 2009

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen


I haven’t heard to many good things about this movie. Before going into it, I seemed to have surrounded myself only with bad reviews. It wasn’t my choosing, it was the peoples. Majority of film critics did not like this movie. After seeing, I can see why. But also after reading their reviews, and seeing the movie, I think people liked it better than they expected. It was so thrashed in reviews, that seeing it was no disappointment. So I really don’t have a side I want to stand on this movie review. It wasn’t terrible, it was amazing, it was just entertainment.

Directed by Michael Bay, who is already working on a Transformers 3, and a new Birds remake that comes out soon, and staring pretty much the same cast as the first one, makes this movie nothing short of good. It was good, not amazing. What did wow me was the graphics and Megan Fox. Man, both were amazing.

Decepticon forces return to Earth on a mission to take Sam Witwicky prisoner, after the young hero learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers. Joining the mission to protect humankind is Optimus Prime, who forms an alliance with international armies for a second epic battle.

This movie had its ups and downs. I thought that the first half was very slow, a

nd the second half was very action packed. The movie was way to long, and I don’t think it’s exactly a kid’s movie. All little kids want to see this movie, and for a mass market of kids this movie has some language in it that I don’t want little 6-years-old running around saying.

Some of the Decepticons were amazing. I was impressed by lots o their designs. I really enjoyed seeing them, and how badass they were. It bothered me a little how much more badass the Decepticons were than the Autobots. I heard that originally Jonah Hill was supposed to be Shia sidekick for this movie, but demanded to much money. That would have made the movie so much better. I think he is one of the funniest people.


  1. The movie is visually dynamic and has the most outstanding special effects since the last Transformers. It was genuinely entertaining. Thanks for writing such a great review about the movie.

  2. Transformers is outstanding sci-fi movie. Some of its scenes are really amazing like when cars became transformers. I really enjoy to watch full movie with my classmates.
