Sep 17, 2009


Anyone seeking to relive what has become comic relief in workplaces all across North America thanks to Mike Judge’s 1999 classic Office Space will unfortunately come up with a case of the Mondays in his newest film Extract. Though no TPS reports will be filed in Extract, instead it’s actually an extract factory that plays the back drop to this new workplace disaster, the film is a genuine failure at recreating the questions and problems that plague every working class thirty something trying to make their way in the world.

Though the workplace has provided as a great subject for TV and film the problem with Extract is that it simply did not flow. The film largely follows a recipe similar to Office Space. You have Jason Bateman as the burnt out boss, John Reilly plays the annoying neighbor, and even Gene Simmons makes an appearance as the tough talking lawyer (which is actually one of the better scenes). Also making contributions are SNL’s Kristen Wig, Ben Afflek, and Mila Kunis. Despite assembling a notable cast Mr. Judge came up short in actually giving them a descent or believable storyline of which to go off. It actually feels more like a rambling incoherent collection of thoughts than a solid piece of hand crafted cinema. The film does have a few moments of glory but unfortunately they are almost all for the most part played out in the film’s trailer.

Overall the film just didn’t live up to expectations. Certainly it would have been nice to have this film workout but until Mike Judge can come up with something better Office Space will remain his masterpiece.


  1. The movie has a few funny moments, but I didn't think it had enough. Ben Afflek gives a mildly amusing performance as a pot smoking stoner.

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