Just watched Saved with my girlfriend and friend Mike. Last time I saw that movie was in theaters while I was in high school. I saw it for sale for $4 at Barnes and Nobles and bought it. It was well worth the money. I forgot how funny it was. A very good point of view and take on Christianity and born-agains.
This movie stars Jena Malone (Donnie Darko) Mandy Moore, Macaulay Culkin and Patrick Fugit (Almost Famous, Wristcutters). Mary (Jena Malone) is a good Christian girl who goes to a good Christian high school where she has good Christian friends, mainly Hilary Faye (Mandy Moore), and a perfect Christian boyfriend, Dean. Her life seems perfect, until the day that she finds out that Dean may be gay. After "seeing" a vision of Jesus in a pool, she does everything in her power to help him turn straight, including offering up her virginity. But none of it helps because Dean's caught and sent to a "degayification" center and Mary ends up pregnant. It's during her time of need that she becomes real friends with the school's set of "misfits," including Cassandra, the school's only Jewish girl; Roland (Macaulay Culkin), Hilary Faye's wheelchair-bound brother, and Patrick (Patrick Fugit), the skateboarder son of the school's principal, Pastor Skip; whilst Hilary Faye turns her into a social outcast.
It is a very funny movie. It had me smiling of laughter, and laugh out loud laughter sometimes too. Some people are truly this weird, were almost every other word is Jesus, and they think all you need is faith to be saved. It’s a good take on how crazy Christians can be, and what lengths they will go too to let people know that they are Christian. It has a good message, which says that we Jesus would love and accept everybody no matter what. Life isn’t as easy as saying I accept Christ and amen, there is more to it than that. Not everyone believes in Christ or God, and that’s okay as long as their okay with it.
It’s a very funny movie that I say you should watch if you see it on TV, or in the $5 bin at Wal-Mart. Its worth the $5 and fun to watch with people. Hopefully you aren’t a crazy Christian freak and will find this movie funny and not offensive. Its not making fun of any religions what so ever, but more some fanatics that want everyone to know they are born again. Its PG-13 for some mild language, but it’s a rather clean film. Its pretty much a Christian film.
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