The watchmen took a huge nose dive this weekend with numbers dropping 67%. In my opinion, it is taking a huge dive simply because it had way to much hype. I don’t even know how this hype got started. If you’re not a comic book fan, you have most likely never heard of the watchmen. Then you see these previews of violence and hear it’s the same director as 300. So you think of your own “awesome” conclusions of how the movie is going to be, and you’re disappointed because it wasn’t how you wanted it to be. Well, movies are usually never how you want them to be. If you wanted it a certain way, you usually would have enough will power and direct it yourself. This was a movie that came to live from a novel. The novel itself is not action packed, it’s a story with a begging and end. It’s about people, not fighting crime. Comic book readers knew that, others didn’t. They were bummed when they found out that it was just about people, and it wasn’t all action packed and shoot em up. It blew up with high numbers when it first came out because everyone was curious, then they saw it, and explained that it wasn’t a super hero movie. It’s a movie about people who want to be super heroes. In my opinion, which I have posted earlier, the movie was kick asss. I also read the graphic novel though and knew what it was about before going in.
This is possibly the best adaptation that we will ever get for Watchmen. They did change the ending but still captured the essence of the graphic novel. For the major purists I recommend that they either accept it or get the motion comic version of Watchmen. Which is 5 hours long but includes everything.